Monday, September 15, 2008

Wonderful Weekend for All!

Isn't family the best!
This past weekend, fun was had by all!
To start, my aunt Jeanne (my mother's sister) was turning 60 and a surprise birthday was planned for her up in Maine. My mom was planning on going and offered to bring the girls with her. I wanted to be part of it all, but I knew that with just being back to work and Colin not loving the car, that I just didn't have it in me to go as well. The girls were very excited to have some "Nannie time," but were SO VERY much looking forward to playing with their cousins, Liam, Aela and Shae. These kids are my cousin, Jen's, children and they are all about 1 year older than my kids. It's so fun... there is just something about family that the kids seem to understand - although they only see each other 1 or 2x a year, each time they are together... they are instantly best friends. The girls had so much fun being with their cousins and loved having a weekend away. I just hope that Aunt Jeanne had as much fun!
This is a picture of all the family at the surprise party... Jeanne had not yet arrived.
Uncle Tom, Sadie, Aunt Kathy, Jen, Greg and Shae, Rebecca,k JC
Aela, Liam, Natalie, my Mom, and Erika

In this picture is our girls and Liam (6 1/2) Aela (4).

Speaking of loving family.... my mom gave me the bestest weekend!
This weekend, Nick, Colin and I were home. For all you that have a houseful of children, you can appreciate how wonderful it is to be in your own home with peace and quiet and the freedom to do whatever comes next!
Thank you mom!

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