Thursday, May 28, 2009

Natalie, the b-day girl, turns 7!

This past monday, Memorial Day, our baby girl turned SEVEN!
The celebrating was big, long and super fun. I thought I had uploaded these pictures in the other order, but no luck... so we won't be going in chronological order. For the past 7 years, Natalie has given us a wonderful reason to celebrate Memorial Day weekend in a big way and we have gotten into the tradition of doing a big BBQ with family and friends in honor of her and the start of summer (a season that her teacher parents have become very fond of :) It has become one of my very favorite celebrations as the company is always so great and the yummy BBQ foods are back in action. Unfortunately, this year with the huge digging project (another story...) in our side yard, I just didn't think it was possible to do this party to the same degree.... but we could not go un-celebrated. Family braved the landscaped mess and with perfect weather, we had a delightful afternoon. It is priceless to watch Natalie in awe of her big cousin Jenise, much like I remember being in awe of my older cousins. Sadie just brings such pizazz to every function that I laugh just thinking about her and Colin blessed us with a 3 hour nap during most of the party! A bit more low key than usual, but very nice and fun to give attention to our not-so-little-anymore little girl! Below is a pic from the party - all of Nick's ladies!

For my b-day, the whole world celebrates with trick or treating. For Nick's big day, the whole world gives chocolate and roses and for Natalie's... a PARADE!
This was the first year that we went to (or participated in) the local Memorial Day parade. It was super cute to watch Natalie feel like a superstar as she marched with her Daisy's troop. On top of that, I really felt the nice sense of community that Queensbury/ Glens Falls offers. So many families were out to see the parade and support the community activities. I felt like we finally belonged, as I looked out along the parade route and saw many families we knew and friends we love!
Natalie and her 2 friends and Daisy mates (Claudia and Grace) in the Parade

As our b-day gift to Natalie, she got her own room. She and Sadie have been sharing for the past 3 years... not because we didn't have the space, but because I thought sisters should share and that they would love it. I had hoped it would teach lessons of sharing and cooperation, as well as help create that special sister bond (staying up late giggling and telling stories about things mom shouldn't know!!) However, it turned out that much of that "perfect sister relationsip" might have been in my imagination. I do still dream that they will want to have "sleepovers" in each others rooms and that they will have secrets that I will never know, but Natalie wanted her own space and it seemed silly to keep an empty bedroom. So here it is...

Below is a picture of Natalie and her friends at "Creative Sparks" for a painting party. It was right up Natalie's ally and so fun to watch how serious 1st grade girls can be when it comes to Arts and Craft projects. They were so into their painting, that they barley talked to one another. I keep thinking about how different it would have been if I had 7 1st grade boys together in one room! Natalie has attracted such great girls to be her friends. I am sure that has something pretty awesome to say about the person she is becoming!

To Natalie: We love you!
Your talents and kindness are so genuine. We are proud of your accomplishments in school and in Girl Scouts. You are a good friend, a special sister and one incedible daughter.
Love, Mommy and Daddy

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

Just ONE year ago...
As a kid, I always remember when this time of year came around, that I wondered why there wasn't a Kids Day. I would ask my mom, "When is Kids Day?" Of course, I was probably looking for a reason to get a present or have extra attention given to me. My mom would answer this question the same every time... "Everyday is Kids Day!" In a full circle moment, Natalie recently asked me the very same question! Thanks to my mom, I knew exactly what to say!!
This past year has been such a wonderful blur. Becoming a mom of three has been the HARDEST adjustment of my adult life. Finding enough hours in the day to be a good wife, housekeeper, household manager, full time social worker, and mom x3 has not always been easy. There have been many a day, when one of these things has fallen short... but I can say (FOR SURE) that life has never been better. I feel truly blessed to have such great kids and a really awesome man. I am learning that I don't have to have the living room clean or dishes done in order to go to bed at night (although I do still want to do that!), I have learned that I won't be able to exercise everyday or maybe not even once a week (and that's ok), and I have learned that there will be days when I lose my cool and I am not Mom of the Year (but the kids will love me anyway).

Look at my reasons to celebrate my Mother's Day...

And ... this is us today!
We celebrated Mother's Day by just spending the day together. It was relaxing and a fun reminder that we truly enjoy each other's company! We ended the day by watching our years worth of family videos. We don't use the camcorder much and never seem to actually watch what we tape, so it was pretty fun to have us all curled up on the couch watching the highlights of "the Giumarra Family." The girls were dying with laughter watching themselves on TV. Colin wondered who the baby was on the TV and we all were amazed at how much they have grown over the year. It was really fun.
To my mom and all my mom friends out there... I could not (and am not) be the mother I am without you! Whether you listen to me complain, offer advice or just laugh at my craziness with me... THANK YOU! Happy Mother's Day.
and because I would not be a mother without you... Thank you Nick!