Sunday, May 30, 2010

How in the world is she already EIGHT?

My baby turned EIGHT this week!! How is that possible?? I told Natalie the night before her birthday that I was going to refuse to celebrate her birthday because she was growing up too fast. She needed to stay seven! Well, that didn't fly with her... so it is official... I have an eight year old!

My sweet Natalie... now ending her 2nd grade year and doing great. She is an official reader. Nick or I still "put" her to bed every night - meaning that after she brushes her teeth, one of us cuddles up in her bed with her and we read a book together. This past year, we have moved on to reading chapter books and have read though many Junie B Jones and American Girl doll books. It was about a month or so ago, when I asked Nick how much longer we should put her to bed. She no longer needs us to do it and there are some nights that I feel like I have other stuff to do, that I wouldn't mind not doing it. However, we agreed that it sends a good message that reading before bed is a good routine and that special one on one time she gets with one of us is important. Not a week after we talked about this, I found Natalie in her room about 30 minutes after we had left (after our bedtime routine) reading away... Gotta love it!

Natalie remains a super star student. SOOO proud of her grades (all excellent) but even more proud of the effort she puts into her work. She always seem to try hard and wants to do well. She takes pride in her work and seems to already understand fully that school is important.

This past year, Natalie has tried new sports.... still likes gymnastics, but has explored with a year of dance, tried downhill skiing and most recently zumba! Natalie still enjoys girl scouts and is completing her first year as a brownie!

Natalie is our little adult. She loves to always know everything that is going on and will try at any cost to join into adult conversation. She will even try to overhear conversation and then try and make a comment to join in. Although, this usually drives me crazy... I am sure one day I will see how this quality is one for the good.

This year has begun the hardships of being a girl and the stress that comes with friendships. She has cried her first tears over girls being mean and although I know this is just the beginning and part of the challenges of pre-adolescents (and then life) but it breaks my heart to hear her talk about it. Natalie tells me that she tries to follow the "golden rule" and can't understand when others don't seem to follow it. I know that these tears will bring her strength in years to come.

Natalie... we love you. Always and forever...