Friday, September 26, 2008


Last week I was really having a tough time between transiting back to work, parenting, household management and all that comes with it. I found myself in a constant bad mood and didn't like the parent and spouse that I was being.
Toward the end of the week, Nick told me about a co-worker of his and the unthinkable events that he and his family were facing. This man's 3 month old son, baby Will, had just been diagnosed with a very rare and serious kind of cancer. I immediately felt an odd connection to this man, his baby and their family. Probably because they have three kids, all basically the same age as ours. Hearing about all that is going on with them and the outlook they have chosen to take, has changed my attitude and helped me snap out of my bad mood and realize the blessings that I am given every day.
Of course, I am incredibly saddened that Will and his family have to go through what they are currently facing... but I thank them for their strength and perspective.
Below is the link to their blog. It is Will's dad writing him letters. It is incredible. Please join their fight for Will by saying an extra prayer, keeping him in your thoughts, or by holding your own baby tighter and taking the time to count your blessings.

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