Sunday, September 21, 2008

1/2 Marathon!

Today, I completed my 2nd 1/2 Marathon!
This summer my running became my stress relief, my weight management and my treasured time alone. Soon my running turned into training - mostly so that I felt like I had a schedule to follow. Having that schedule kept me going on days that I felt too tired or too crazed.
I get such an amazing since of accomplishment at the end of every long run. Today it was even better because I had my family and friends there to cheer me on!
This is at the starting point. I am way in the back... My only goals in this race (keep in mind that I am NOT competitive at all!) was to be able to run the whole time and to finish.
Giving the girls a high five for TEAM GIUMARRA!
The finish line.
I completed the 13.1 miles in 2hrs, 5mins.

My biggest supporters and fans.
Me and my running buddy.

I dedicate this run to ME!

For the runner, for the mother, for the wife, and for the fun. May the running make me better in each of these roles.

Thanks to all that were in my fan club today!


Kristin said...

So proud of you!!!

David and Kate said...

Congratulations, that is hard work with having to take care of your kids while you are training.
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog!
Kate Van Yperen