Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday - All is good...

Things here are going well! Needless to say, the girls are in love with him and are being a great help! Can't you just see the happiness in their faces. The boppy pillow is amazing... both of them can hold him well using it.

Yesterday, Colin had his 1st doctors appointment and he got a clean bill of health! He had put on 5 oz. since discharge from Albany Med on Wednesday and doing great overall. He also had the long awaited boy surgery that has caused me (and now him) much distress. It wasn't fun, but at least it is behind him and he won't remember it. He is eating well and even letting me sleep a bit.

Now I just have to figure out how to keep the girls entertained, while trying to keep Colin away from large crowds. Those that know me well, know that I don't do well just staying home... We shall see how the weekend goes.

1 comment:

Becky & Frank said...

Dear Kerry, Nick & family: So very glad to hear that your family is at home now and that Colin is doing so well. Not sure what a bobby pillow is, but glad that you have one. (It's been a long, long time since we had a newborn). As parents of 3 boys, we know very well about the "boy surgery", but amazingly not one of our sons has ever complained!!! Kerry - grab sleep whenever you can, and enjoy your beautiful children.

Love - Becky & Frank