Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cutest Baby!

Finally... a good picture to share!

This is a picture taken of Colin this morning. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see Colin's face without any tubes, wires or machines coming out of him. He is just as sweet and as cute as can be!

Colin has had a good day. Lots of eating, sleeping, pooping and peeing!

He was suppose to have his cosmetic boy surgery done today, but that didn't happen. The plan is for it to occur in the morning or else it will be done as an outpatient (not looking forward to that!) He did fail his hearing screen today, but they assured us that it is most likely due to fluid in his ear and we will have him re-tested in a month.

Other than that... they are still making us think that we are all going home tomorrow! YEAH.

I am pretty sure that this experience has turned me into the most paranoid mother and that Colin will be getting way too much attention and I will be analyzing every breath he takes for a while. We will see how long it lasts!

Again, thanks for your good wishes... it has certaintly made a difference.


ashley said...

Great news Kerry. You said all he needed to do was turn a corner and it sounds as if he did and then some. He is so adorable. I'll try to call you tomorrow, hopefully at home. Thinking of you and Colin.

Unknown said...

Being aware of your breath is not a bad thing...we should take nothing for granted. I am sure that Colin will be loved and cherished but not spoiled. He has the BEST parents. Again I am being totally objective. Love, MOM/ANN/Nannie

Kim said...

It's so good to hear all is well and you are on your way home! What a beatiful boy he is, as if you two could produce anything BUT cute kids...I'll see you soon...