Monday, April 21, 2008

Colin Update - Monday at 12:30.

Colin has had a good last couple hours. They did try him without his CPAP last night and they felt like he was working too hard without so they put it back on. However, in the early morning his resperations slowed down quite a bit that this morning they decided to lower the pressure on the CPAP and he is doing well. He looks so much more relaxed with his breathing (minus how uncomfortable having prongs coming out of your nose looks!!) They also started feeds back up this morning and was able to get 10cc's of breastmilk via his OG tube. It looked like he tolerated it and they plan to continue these feeds and hopefully increase them over time.

I am beginning to feel more and more positive and that this will be all over soon and we can be home!

I had some teary times last night as I was going to sleep... I guess it hit me that I left the hospital and didn't bring my baby "home" with me. It was weird to go to sleep and think that I don't need to listen for him, wake up for him or take care of him through the night. (I did get up 2x to pump - so at least I am not sleeping through the night!). I got another teary moment when I was walking into the hospital this morning and just felt like, "how weird, how crazy that I have to go to a hospital to see my newborn." However, this past when I got to see him. He is super cute.

Colin loves to be held and loves his pacifier!

My mom is coming down today and hopes to be able to hold Colin. I am sure he will like getting some love from his Nannie.

I hope you can all view this update on the blog and find it a good way to keep in touch.

We so appreciate all the support that we have gotten and love that we feel. Thank you!!


Kristin said...

So glad he is doing better! I am also so excited about your blog!

Unknown said...

Yeah, Colin...Keep up the good work, Love,Nannie

Stacia said...

All great news, Just know we are here when you need anything. Just say the word and we will appear...:)

bridget said...

I love this idea...I am checking my email all the time to see if there are updates. Sending lots of warm, loving, "keep getting stronger Colin!" vibes from Colorado! Love to you all, Bridget

Sue said...

Glad little Colin is doing better. Hope you are all home soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello! This is a really great way for everyone to see what is going on. Thanks! Everyone in the WRT sends their love.

Hope to see you all soon.

Stephanie and Jeff, Ashy, Bella