Monday, July 7, 2008

Update on the Giumarra Gang

Colin is doing great. He will be 12 weeks this Thursday and he is smiling, "talking" and even beginning to giggle. He is starting to be awake and alert a lot more... and even sleeping better.

Sadie is just a pistol! In the above picture, she is wearing old boots of my friends and she is in her bathing suit. She loved it! She is constantly keeping us guessing and laughing. She is still having some adjustment issues with Colin and giving me a hard time about leaving her. After years of going to the babysitting room at the gym, she never wants to go and I get tears when it is time for me to leave her. It drives me crazy and keeps me guessing on what is the best way to handle it. She loves taking naps (but then never wants to go to sleep at night). She is swimming and biking. This summer she is taking Gymnastic class at the Y for a session and will be doing a session of swim lessons at the town pool.
Natalie is keeping busy this summer! She is going to "Q-club," the camp put on by Queensbury Rec. Dept. She is swimming every chance she gets and really doing a great job - swimming and jumping on her own. She is very into singing and is all about the new movie, "Camp Rock." She LOVES to do the summer work that came home from school and already considers herself an official 1st grader. Natalie is always wanting to be busy and bugs me when she always needs to know what is next before we have even finished doing another thing (I wonder where she gets that from??... ha, ha!)
Nick is a super dad and husband. Just today, he played with the girls by putting together a rocketship and having it go off in the driveway. Last week, he painted our dining room... it looks awesome! He is always working on the yard, mowing it and keeping it looking good! He is trying to get going on his summer project of the house addition, but has been in a waiting game with the concrete guys. He is hoping that the foundation will be completed soon and then he can get working at his own pace, rather than waiting for everyone else.

As for me... I am just trying to get through everyday, while taking the time to laugh, love and live. The girls make me so super happy, but at the same time they are constantly draining me of my energy. I try to work to create a balance of fun and structure for them during the summer. As for Colin, I am totally in love with him and just could look at him all day long (problem is that I just don't have the time to do that!!) I am loving all the baby time with him, yet getting excited about the future with 3 more independent children. (Like when I will get to read a book on the beach, while they play....) I love having the time this summer to be able to exercise so regularly. I am getting to run at least 5x a week and at least 1-2 good workouts at the gym as well. Colin often comes for me on the run and I like having that time with him and me. I have just registered to run a 8.4 mile run on Aug. 2nd. It will be my motivation to keep up the exercise!

That's the update!

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