Friday, February 4, 2011

Sadie, our little lady, turns 6!

6 years ago, our lives got forever better when Sadie joined our family... Just tonight at dinner, we went through the events of the wee hours of February 4th, 2005 and what an awesome day.

I was scheduled for a c-section for 8am on Feb. 4th - 10 days before my actual due date of Valentines day (Nick's birthday). Although I am one of the few that was saddened that I had c-sections for my children, I was looking forward to having an "appointment" to have a baby and was thinking how great it would be to be refreshed and prepared for the moment - none of the which I felt when Natalie was born! So, I worked up until Feb. 2nd and then spend the day before Sadie arrived at home moving our bedroom stuff into our new bedroom that Nick had just finished. (At the time we were living in our Malta house and Nick had put on an enormous addition that included a new master bedroom that he had promised to have done before the baby... and he sure did... it was done on the 2nd!) and I had a delightful lunch out with my friend, Rachael.

That night we tucked Natalie in bed and were in awe of how our lives would be different come morning. My brother was coming up to watch Natalie while we were going to be in the hospital and he had called to tell me that he was just going to come up in the morning before we had to leave for the hospital, but in our discussion he realized that he would have to be to my house by 6am... which is leaving NJ at 3:30 or so... so he decided to finish up what he was doing and would arrive at my house LATE that night instead of the morning.

So, alarm was set for 5:30 or so - I wanted to be sure I got a nice shower in before I headed to the hospital. Nick and I went off to sleep knowing that we needed to be ready to be at the hospital around 6:15am for our "appointment."

Around 2am that night, I got up to go the bathroom and while I walked back to bed my water broke!! Needless to say, at that moment, I realized that my plan for the "baby appointment" had just drastically changed! Unlike when my water broke for Natalie, things moved VERY quickly with Sadie. I did take my shower, but was in pretty intense pain. We rushed through the house - did double check to make sure my brother had arrived at some point in the night and left him a note that we were gone and off we went... (Thinking back - what would we have done if my brother had decided to go with plan A and not come up till the morning?? I am sure that things happen for a reason!)

By the time we reached Glens Falls, I had Nick driving through red lights and going as fast as he could. My pain level was beyond anything I wanted to deal with! At the hospital, they took some time to make sure that I was "really" in labor and that I truly had broke my water. After they realized all those things were actually true, I think they tried to figure out how they could hold off this birth till my doctor was coming in later that morning... but Miss Sadie would hear nothing of it! As labor progress quickly and my pain skyrocketed, they called in the on-call Dr and tried to get things moving. Problem was, they could find the "on call" nurses (or something - can't remember who). It ended up being someone that they needed for the surgery, but this person had been sleeping in a different call room, so the nurses station had the wrong extension for this person! It felt like FOREVER waiting until we were set to go.

So, at some point around 5am... the c-section began. Outside of a little confrontation with the anaselogist (who as a man, apparently had no idea what this pain was like), things went rather smoothly and Sadie joined our world.

She was just perfect. Cried perfect, looked perfect, and was simple sweet. We had been trying to pick between the names Megan and Sadie and as soon as Nick and I both saw her.. at the same time, we said, Sadie!

My mom, who was suppose to arrive at the hospital around 6:15 to be present for the birth - came just on time and ended up meeting Nick in the elevator with 2 coffee's in his hands. She asked what he could be doing in the elevator, thinking that he would be with me prepping for the upcoming c-section. He told her, "It's all over... she's here!"

Our Sadie is just the sweetest girl around. She reminds me a lot of what kind of kid that I must have been. She is totally silly, is a real slob (in everything from eating to keeping her room clean), never seems to sit still, sweet and endearing, shy in new situations, forever changing her mind and constantly surprising us. She still seeks out cuddles on a regular basis and is my little LOVE.

I think that Sadie's birth story matches who she is now... she will determine how and when she will be ready for different situations, she will keep us guessing and will always make her own entrance in all that she does!

Happy Birthday Sadie!

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