Friday, July 17, 2009

The progress that Summer always brings...

Since Nick's new career in teaching, summer time means new projects and progress on old ones. Below is the new deck that comes off the addition of last summer. Since this picture was taken, Nick has added the step down and also built a stone patio walkway from the driveway to the stairs of the deck. He was able to use the patio stone that we had pre-addition. Needless to day, it looks awesome! I will have to get a green thumb (and then find the uninterrupted time) to garden as there are all sorts of great new flower spots in this area.
The swingset was long awaited by the kids. It was taken down last May when the addition first began and having 2 kids spend over a year looking at it in pieces in the backyard was hard. . The asked almost daily if it was time for the swingset to go back up! So... when the yard was ready... Nick didn't think we could then make the girls wait for grass to grow. Thus, the arrival of the grass carpet (sod!!) and then the swingset was up. The girls and Colin have been loving it! It is in a great spot that gets good shade in the hot afternoons and lots of fun has been had.
The next month of summer vacation will include more inside work. The addition of last summer has been about 99% done for months... Nick has promised me that it will be 100% done by back to school.
Thanks Nick for all your work!

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