Thursday, May 1, 2008

Colin's 1st playdate...

Today, my friend, Rachel, and her daughter came over to "play." It was Colin's 1st official playdate! Sadie and Rachel's older child were at their sitters' and we were able to truly enjoy our visit with each other and the babies!
This is Hannah... she is 8 weeks old, just 6 weeks older than Colin. Isn't it crazy to see how fast they grow. She seemed so big and so interactive compared to Colin.
Hannah and Colin had their lunch at the same time and then they both got the hiccups right after eating and they seemed to get a hiccup right at the same time. It was pretty funny! It will be fun to show them this picture many years from now!

1 comment:

Becky & Frank said...

Greetings Kerry & Nick - Sounds like everyone is doing well, and Colin is getting so cute too! He looks like he's growing. It's so nice to keep up with everything via your blog.

Love - Becky & Frank