Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Colin!

Happy 2nd Birthday Colin!
Our dear, sweet Colin... what a wonderful little boy you are. So happy to celebrate your "Happy Birthday," today with you. You have done a lot of growing and changing in the last year. I am sad to no longer have my baby and I already miss holding and cuddling you, however, the things that do now bring such love and laughter into our days and your increasing independence is amazing. You have such curiosity and courage that we have not seen in toddlers before. It is hysterical to watch you walk around the house with your little step stool so that you can figure out how to get into and be party of anything you want. However, at the same time, you need your routine and don't seem to fight or challenge the aspects of your life as long as it is part of your routine. For example, you clearly could crawl out of your crib, but you don't... because you know that when you are in your crib, you sleep. You know on daycare days that you have a breakfast bar, and you never seem to question that or demand something different. You know that you get to watch, "Wiggles," before bed, and you never fight bedtime, as long as it comes after some Wiggles.
Some fun highlights of recent times... it seems as if you are left handed (something you must get from your Poppy), the moment you figured out how to use a fork and spoon, you have chosen your left, you love to high five and POUND it with your left, and have recently found the love of sports and enjoy basketball and baseball with your left hand. You love diggers and tractors, you love talking about your Nannie and Poppy, you always want to be outside and have just recently learned to ride your tricycle.
The love you have for your Daddy makes me so happy and yet, so jealous. You light up everytime you see him and it is as if, you know, that the two of you will forever have a special bond as the "men" of this house. You already love doing, "work," with Dad and can point out a digger or tractor from a distance. I knew I was 2nd rate for sure, when Nick mowed the law for the first time this season, and you acted as if it was on the verge of child abuse that you did not get to go and help Dad. Seeing Daddy and the "tractor" out working on the yard... was more then you could handle. I know that you want to be with him and part of the work whenever possible. I can't wait to watch you continue to grow and share special projects and times with Dad.
The true sibling relationship with your sisters is beginning to emerge. You have figured out what you want and how to advocate for yourself. You no longer just let your sisters do whatever they want with you... you have an opinion and it doesn't necessarily always match theirs! Pretty funny to watch from the outside. Currently, you can relate better to Sadie and you have a harder time figuring Natalie out. I think that will change and go back and forth many times over the next many years and in the end, I hope you value and love your sisters for who they are.... your FOREVER friends.
Me... I just simply love you. There are a many day, that I wonder if I was really meant to have three kids. I can get so flustered by the chaos and time commitment of all three of you, that I fear it gets the best of me. However, waking up to your smile and your sweet silly words, makes me know that no matter what, our family is just the way it is suppose to be. I thank you for your cuddles, your sweet smile, your desire to be goofy, the times you are sensitive, the little boy that you are and will always be....
Happy day to you, Colin!

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