Friday, April 17, 2009


Today, our sweet baby boy turned 1.
What a bittersweet day for me... as I don't want to let go of the idea of my baby being a baby and the constant reminder that time goes by all too fast. Today, Nick and I reminisced (well actually I did and forced Nick to be nostalgic with me) about what it was like for us a year ago today. I clearly remember the sweet good-byes from our girls as we left the house, the funny walk into the hospital for our "appointment" to get the baby, the amazing 1st cry that brought tears to my eyes, then the fear that something was wrong and then the surreal afternoon of not seeing my baby and not being able to share him with the loved ones that had come to meet him.
One year later... he is our laid back and fun loving little boy. He has had a great month as he has learned to scoot and explore more on his own. He gets a smile full of pride when he does something new, like pull himself up or get into "trouble." He knows when he is doing something new and is excited by his own progress. The warmer weather has brought us all outside more and he just loves it. He scoots down our dirty driveway, tries to eat the grass and stones and watches in amazement at the girls riding their bikes and scooters. We have also learned that he LOVES dogs. As soon as he sees one, his legs and arms get moving like crazy as if he is trying to take off. Also high on his list are ceiling fans and light fixtures.
Unfortunately, celebrating his big birthday did not go at all as I had planned (maybe that is going to be a trend for his birthday!). This year, instead of Colin getting sick... Sadie was!! Sadie spent the day on the couch as was sick with the stomach bug! So much for a family bike ride or out for Colin's first ice cream, when one of our clan is under the weather.
Oh well... another day!
Happy Birthday dear Colin. We love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We all love you, Colin! And it si so fun to watch you scoot and you do have one proud smile as you head to do something that you know you shouldn't. GO, Colin!