Monday, November 17, 2008


Our baby boy is 7 months old!

What an awesome little baby boy that we have. It continues to be lots of fun watching him grow from newborn to infant and now baby.

  • He is still a huge fan of the jumper. It makes this super loud noise every time he jumps. We can be in the other side of the house and know that he is doing ok just from hearing the bounce, bounce, bounce noise. It makes a great babysitter.

  • Colin is eating lots of food... Trying all sorts of fruits and veggies. He even had Cheerios for the 1st time today!

  • No more teeth yet, although I am sure there is one or two more just around the corner.

  • He is sitting up like a champ.

  • He is reaching for everything and anything. Whatever you have, he wants to check it out.

  • He is still not rolling over much. He can... but he doesn't. He is not a fan of his belly and doesn't really move around much. I guess I shouldn't complain... I don't need to baby proof yet, but I would like to see him become more confident in that position.

  • He will talk and make noises, but he is a pretty quiet baby. When I told this to the Dr at his 6 month check up... they told me, "He has 2 older sisters, he may never get a chance to talk!"

  • He is turning out to be a very serious baby. He smiles and laughs, but more often than not... he is checking things out. He is a little guy that needs to take it all in and be sure of the world around him.

  • Lastly, and sadly... today was Colin's last day nursing. I have been hanging onto it for over a month now. I have said over and over, "Today will be Colin's last day nursing, but then the next day comes and we go forth with it." This time it is for real. Going back to work was hard and I just couldn't keep up with him... so over the past month I cut back to just nursing him mornings and nights - but I know that I was not producing enough for him and I was always second guessing myself - is he hungry or is he just cranky. Plus the last couple of weeks, nursing has frustrated him. He has come to enjoy the warm, constant flow from his bottle and wanting it over me. This has been sad for me. Knowing that he is my last baby, I don't want to ever forget the incredible closeness that comes from nursing... but I know that isn't something that can last forever. Our time has come... and I need to accept it. Knowing that my nursing days are over gives me such sadness and such relief all in one. Does that even make sense?

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