Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

In my recent efforts to "journal" more... I wanted to use this blog to just give a little update on our recent going-ons and tribute to the things that make our everydays special.

This is a picture of my favorite people!
In true Sadie form, right when I went to take this picture, she had one of her many daily mood swings and refused to be in the picture. Luckily, as soon as the mood swing came, it went, and I got to capture this fun pic.
I had gotten these JETS pj's for Colin before he was born. It is no secret, I do not like football... but these cute PJ's were on clearance and I was excited about the idea of my son watching football and bonding with his dad. I did hear that the Jets are having a terrible season, so I don't know how much bonding Nick and Colin will share over football this year.

Nick's mom came over on Monday night and started off the Christmas festivities. We were able to exchange gifts. This was Colin's very first attempt of opening a gift himself. He was very into trying to eat his way through the paper. Both Natalie and Sadie were comping at the bit to help. It was funny to watch... Natalie kept telling Sadie to let Colin try on his own, yet Natalie was trying to help him too!
Here is Nick's mom with Sadie.
What an awesome lady...
This is Sadie and her best friend, Caleigh. I think this picture is priceless. Look at the look on both of their faces. It just shows pure JOY.
Here are Caleigh and Sadie on the "stage" that we keep out in the new room. It is were our girls spend a lot of time. Singing and dancing and trying to be as loud as possible. I wonder if boys will be any quieter?
P.S. - Check out the Rudolph balloon hat that Sadie has on. Caleigh's dad has a true talent for balloon art and made this for the girls. It is really very cool...
P.P.S. - This view is from the new room into the kitchen. It is really coming along. I was going to blog about that room too, but I decided it needs it's own.
How can I talk about our days without talking about snow.
Snow, snow, and more snow.
It has felt like one big snow storm after another. In fact, it is snowing right now.
There is lots of snow out there. About up to Sadie's waist or higher. It is actually too much for it to be much fun for her... she can't really get around in it. However, Natalie has been having good kid fun being outside lots and sledding with neighbor kids.
When is spring going to be here?
Sadie's preschool party with Santa. She wasn't so sure about meeting Santa... until she realized that he gave out gifts. I don't think she'd get much closer - but was sure to be in reach of the present.
Marc Brown!
This was so cool... at least for me, it might have been above the girls heads. Our local library recently had lots of renovations and had a GRAND re-opening. Marc Brown... the very famous mind behind Arthur, came and gave a presentation. Our kids have been BIG Arthur fans for years. I swear we have taken every Arthur book out of the library at least 3x each. I know many of them by heart. We have watch almost every Arthur TV show and even had an Arthur birthday party a couple of years ago. It was so interesting to meet Marc Brown and learn about where the idea of Arthur came fun. He even shared a picture of his own 3rd grade class and we got to see that all the Arthur characters are based on real classmates of his. neat, neat.
Today... Christmas eve.
Lots of festivities, family and fun.

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