I don't mind having the TV on for what seems like ALL day on Sundays with football game after football game, but I have to say that I have found more joy in the football experience this year since the kids have become more involved and it has become something that they feel like they are "doing" with Daddy. It isn't as if they all curl up on the couch together - in fact, I don't think any of the kids actually watch more than five minutes of any game... but they get excited about it, want to talk to Nick about it and even seem to look forward to the big game!
With the Jets making it almost all the way... we have had lots of fun football afternoons at our house and have tried to turn it into a family event whenever possible. (I wonder if Nick is liking that idea or missing the time when we all use to vacate the house when football was on?)
I am loving the idea of the kids having something special that they do with Dad - I have a feeling that Colin will be a huge sports guy and that many 'a football afternoons will be spent in our house. I never, EVER, would have thought I would say this - but I think I kinda like the idea of football. (Can't say that I like the game yet, but maybe that will come...)
I love that you are enjoying it!
GO JETS and Jets' fans!!!
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