Happy 2009!
Another year has gone by... although it sounds cliqued, time flies by. This past year was full of excitements. I truly am in awe about the blessings that my family has. Of course, the greatest part of 2008 was the arrival of Colin and how he has made our family complete. It's been fun to watch the girls grow and learn... as well as watch our house grow too! I am sure that 2009 will hold many blessings and much happiness in the midst of trials and tribulations.
With the new year always comes the question of New Years Resolutions. Nick doesn't believe in making New Years Resolutions. He actually always has the same resolution every year - "Not to make any New Years Resolutions." Me, on the other hand, seizes the opportunity to have an excuse to make goals for myself. I realize that I have made similar resolutions over the years, but hey... it's a new year and a new chance. After all... new hope and change is coming!
It is kind of weird to be posting and sharing my resolutions, but I figure it is a way to make me accountable. Also, sometimes I feel like I am only blogging about our perfect world, when we all know that it isn't always perfect. (It is just the perfect and fun stuff we want to share and remember). So, posting these resolutions also show a sense of realness about me. Join me in making some resolutions...
1. I want to exercise on a regular basis. I want to be a in shape/ fit person. (Not training for a 1/2 marathon one week and a lazy blob the next).
2. I want to eat right and healthy. (That means dessert can not be a daily thing for me anymore!). In turn, I hope to lose some weight and feel good about my body!
3. Let my nails grow. That's right, I have the horrible habit of biting my nails. I have conquered this habit many times, but it comes backs and bites me (ha,ha). However, with children they watch and do what I do... I don't want them to have this habit.
4. I want to make the most of my days. Sometimes that means to go to bed at the same time as my kids, other times it may mean staying awake late to finish a project.
5. I want to read chapter books with Natalie.
6. Have an attitude of gratitude.
6. Be Happy!
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