Sunday, October 5, 2008

Colin's big milestones...

I guess when most of your day includes sleeping, eating, pooping and looking at things... big milestones are all relative. So, in Colin's world - big changes have begun.
Since he will be 6 months old next week, I started introducing rice cereal to him. He is not really much of a fan, but I continue to give it to him nightly. It is really more fun to watch the girls try and "help" him eat. Since he seems to have no idea why I am forcing a foreign object towards his mouth, he tends to lock his lips. Notice Sadie in the below picture trying to show Colin how to open his mouth to eat.
This was the 1st good picture that I got of his new teeth! In the exact same time frame as his sisters, both teeth came within days of him turning 5 months old. (both girls got their bottom teeth just days after they turned 5 months old.... isn't that wild!) They have grown in big enough now that you can see them when he grins. So as Natalie continues to lose her teeth (her 3rd one came out last week), Colin is getting them....
This is just a random picture. Sadie found some old birthday hats in the basement and since they were CARS hats, she was sure that Colin (since he is a boy) would love them. They all put them on and pretended they were at a party. What fun.

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