Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to Work

I knew this day would come.... when my maternity leave would end and I would go back to work as a full time social worker and somehow have to figure out how to still be a full time mom. Over the last couple days, my anxiety has been high while my emotions have been low. While talking about it on 2 separate occasions, I actually found myself getting teary about leaving my baby and trying to envision what craziness my life would look like with working full time, a household to organize, and 3 kids and a husband to love... and still find time for myself!

Outside of forgetting to put any make up on this morning, we all got out of the house and were all where we were suppose to be without much trouble. The day at work kept me busy enough and reminded me that I actually do like what I get to do and that I have a job where I can help others. Every time my brain shifted to thoughts of sadness, I reminded myself how incredibility blessed I am, that WE are, that I was able to be home with Colin and the girls for so long. I am blessed to have Nick be such an involved father and spouse. I am thankful that I get to be home with my family by 3 in the afternoon.

In the end, the day went on and the kids did well. Colin still smiled at me when I saw him in the afternoon and the girls still filled my arms with hugs.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You are an awesome mom and will handle it all so well. Your kids are great and you have always done a such job juggling it all. I admire you!